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in Safaricom by
I have sent money from my Equity Bank account number to wrong Mpesa Number. How do i reverse.

1 Answer

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by (47.6k points)
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Best answer

If you have sent money from your Equity Bank account to the wrong Mpesa Number and you need reversal then you can contact Equity Bank through 0763026000 and select the reversal option. One of Equity Customer Care agents will pick your call and ask for your account number and phone number where the transaction was made to.

After making a reversal, it will take 24 to 48 hours for the money to reflect in your Equity Bank account.

Don't waste your time calling Safaricom because they will not help you.

NOTE: Make sure that you have confirmed whether the money has been withdrawn or not. If it has been withdrawn, then there is little that Equity Bank can do to help you. 

by (47.6k points)
You can visit the bank and provide your ID. The bank will check whether the recipient received the money or not. If he/she did not receive it, then it will be reversed to your account.
They take too long to Answerthey should come up with another idea of a reversal
last month I send money to an equity paybill account but I got no refund despite all my effort
even went to the police
this is Kenya men!!! and that how it happens even if you report to the police hakuna difference
Gosh some times mtu ana pata depression and even have bad thoughts
moved by
Calling Equity is all in vain.i called immediately and was assured of reversal in 2hrs time. After 20 minutes i visited the nearest Equity bank and after  about an hour was told that i could get partial reversal. After about 3hrs i was later told that the reversal was declined. Up to now i lost my money and its very painful.
I was sending money via mpesa but unfortunately I've missed with on digit

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