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I need a speech therapist for my 3 year old kid in Nairobi

2 Answers

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by (47.6k points)
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Best answer

Below is a list of places where you can get the best speech therapists in Nairobi, Kenya

  • Kenya Institute of Special education (KISE), located in Kasarani (near Kasarani Police Station). They charge about Ksh. 100 per session (most recommended)
  • Kenyatta National Hospital (ENT department). They charge ksh, 1,000 per session.
  • Gertrude's Children's Hospital

Info: It is important to let your child play with other children as they will help him learn and improve on his speech.

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There are other private speech and language therapists you can work with. I know one, in particular, she is based in Nairobi. Try searching her LinkedIn profile, she goes by the name Maryline Maina.

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