APA Citation Style Guide and sample paper

APA Citation Style Guide and sample paper



What follows is a Sample APA Citation Style Format and guide on how to use APA academic writing style for referencing.

What is APA Citation style?

APA means American Psychological Association. It is a format of citation that is commonly used in citing sources in social sciences.

Writing a paper in APA style

  • Running head

A running head that does not exceed 50 characters should be included in the left top corner of the cover page only as illustrated in the picture. Please make sure that you do away with the word Running Head as from the second page or the page after the cover page.

  • Page Numbers

Page numbers should be inserted at the top right corner of every page as illustrated in the picture below.

Apa citation style example
Apa citation style example/Photo by Kenyayote
  • APA citation format

When citing in APA style, ensure that your paper follows the following guidelines.

First, all your paragraphs should be indented as indicated in the picture. Second,  in APA citation, a one inch margin should be left on all sides  of the paper as illustrated below.

Third, Your in text citation should appear like this (Nyakreal, 2013).  

Fourth, Your paper should be in Times New roman font 12 and double spaced.

Sample Apa citation Paper

You can download APA Citation Example pdf to learn on how a research paper cited in APA style looks like or use Chegg Citation Machine to cite your source automatically (https://www.citationmachine.net/apa/).

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