How to achieve your M-swari lock savings account target, safaricom

How to achieve your M-shwari lock savings account target



Gathering the motivation to open an M-shwari Lock savings account is a difficult choice more so in these hard economic times.However,the challenge itself lies in attaining your set target.This is when every penny counts.But then how do you achieve this with so many needs on your table?

How to achieve your M-swari lock savings account target, safaricom
How to achieve your M-swari lock savings account target, safaricom/Photo

For-go some luxuries

Saving in itself is a sacrifice. Therefore,you have to be ready to do whatever it takes to achieve
your goals,even if it means avoiding some luxuries.These are basically the things you can do
without, atleast for a short period of time. It might be difficult in the beginning but trust me, it
will get better with time.This could include overlooking that weekly swimming session or even
that most anticipated grand birthday party. Save up all that money you could have spent.

Keep your friendship circle small

Remember not everyone in your circle of friends wants to see you succeed. Therefore,there is
need to keep friends that support you in your saving journey.Be ready to let go of people who
seem to weigh you down.They are not worth it.

Join saving groups on social media

There are so many savings groups on social media. Peruse through them and join ones that suit
you most. There you can meet like-minded people experiencing the same hardships as you.You
can get the encouragement you need and better yet, get more saving tips that could sharpen your thoughts. Be open minded and ready to learn. Take notes where necessary.

Bonus point:Make sure you have a clear purpose by the time your savings mature. That way, you will avoid unnecessary use of money. Make your sacrifices worth it. All the best!


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