5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home

5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home



Over time, we accumulate objects that end up becoming of less use to us but occupy vital space around our homes. A cluttered room is not only eyesore but also makes it hard to organize your space.

5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home
5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your room. Photo of Decluttered vs Cluttered home

While the idea of decluttering is attractive to many, getting started proves hard. You may be unable to get started because suddenly everything seems valuable to put away.

The following easy ways will help you get started on decluttering your rom and enjoy the benefits of a minimalist life.


  • Give Away Stuff

Look around your home room and take note of things you have not used in the last couple of months. They could be clothes, shoes, earthenware, toys or furniture.

The best places to find stuff you do not need include under the bed, boxes in the garage, store room and kitchen drawers for old stuff.

Sort the things you have picked into boxes and label them. You can then give them out to people you know will definitely make good use of them. These could be neighbours, visiting relatives, charity organizations or children’s homes.

  • Throw Away Broken Things

Pick a large trash bag and walk around the house gathering anything you are not using because it is broken. If you have not taken it for repair in the last couple of months, then you can definitely live without it.

  •  Return Things to Owners

These could be books, tools, or even furniture. Once you are done using borrowed stuff you may forget to return them, especially if the owner is the complacent.

Make a point to collect all these things and return them to their respective owners.

  • Relocate

There are many objects in our homes that occupy the wrong spaces. These could be toys strewn all over a bookshelf or shoes across the living room.

Moving them to more appropriate locations is a sure way of easing up the space around you.

  • Limit Impulsive Shopping

Impulsive shopping is one the most common ways we tend to accumulate stuff we do not really need. Avoid buying things because the store has an amazing offer on them, or because you are loaded with cash and think you may need them in future.

The surest way to keep impulsive shopping in check is through the use of a shopping list. Write down things you really need and their price estimates while in the house.

Where possible, pay in cash. Studies have shown paying with cash spurs you to be careful on how you spend money than when using mobile money, debit or credit cards.

Studies have shown that living in an environment with less clutter has several advantages including more space, boosting your mood, improved creativity, clearer focus and saving on money.


Therefore, decluttering your room not only makes your environment attractive but leads to improved life.

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