4 Types of Business Partners and Sample Partnership agreement form

4 Types of Business Partners: Sample Partnership agreement form



What follow is a list of classification of 4 types of business partners and a pdf sample of Business partnership agreement form.

4 Types of Business Partners and Sample Partnership agreement form
List of 4 Types of Business Partners and Sample Partnership agreement form/Photo

What is a Business Partnership?

In simple terms, a business partnership is a legal arrangement where two or more parties agree to start a business that would be difficult for a party to a achieve on its own . A partnership can be between organizations, groups, individuals, agencies, institutions e.t.c

If you want to learn more about Business Partnerships check this free Journal titled: How to create successful partnerships.

List of 4 Types of Business Partners

Categories in which the various types of business partners may be classified include:

  • By capital contribution (how much one has paid to start a company. Share according to capital contribution)
  • By extent of liability to be borne (How much risk is one willing to take)
  • By activity (part played in the day-to-day running of the business)
  • By age

Business Partnership Agreement Form Details

Some of the details that should be included in a business partnership agreement from include;

  1. Definition of Business partnership terms
  2. Names of Business Partners
  3. Company Name
  4. Partnership Shares amount
  5. Liability, profit and asset partnership
  6. Partnership Bank Details
  7. Intellectual property details
  8. Confidential Information
  9. Termination of Partnership
  10. Business Communication forms
  11. More info available at the sample

Sample Business Partnership Agreement form

You can now download a copy of pdf or doc partnership agreement form from muthurwa.com. The form is not free. The charges of downloading are ksh. 500 ($6). You can either pay via mpesa or through paypal. The partnership form is 38 pages long. More details on sample partnership form.

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