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Young Entrepreneur focus of the week is Eunice Kochumba founder of Crème et Chocolat Magazine

It is a new month and we are back with Young Entrepreneur focus of the week that features every Friday of the week.  Our young entrepreneur focus of the week is Eunice Kochumba  who is the founder of Crème et Chocolat  magazine.
Eunice Kochumba   is a young journalist/model who together with Walter Corrarello, a former Italian stylist run Crème et Chocolat magazine

What is Crème et Chocolat?
Crème et Chocolat is a name derived from the main framework of Crème et Chocolat under which umbrella Crème Magazine falls. It was chosen with the purpose of recalling the  French figurative phrase  “la crème de la crème”, that became  popular in modern English thanks to Muriel Spark’s 1961 novel “The  Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” and translates as “the cream of the  cream”, meaning “the best of the best” or somewhat elite.

What does Crème et Chocolat do?

Crème et Chocolat  gives  fashion bloggers, fashion designers, models and fashion photographers a platform to showcase what they have.

This first issue of Crème Magazine is already published. If you are a fashion expert and you wish to contribute the next issue .You can contact: or visit View Park Towers, 16th floor.

Like Crème et Chocolat  on fb:  crememagazine254

Read Crème et Chocolat magazine online: Creme Magazine Online


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