top powerful kenyans

Where Kenya’s 7 most powerful individuals studied: State owners



Educational Background of 7 most powerful Kenyans

Kenyayote brings you the 7 most powerful people in Kenya. They are the agenda setters. They  determine what we read and consume. How  we vote and do business.

The 7 people are CEOs, Businessmen and Politicians. They  have a following of millions of Kenyans. They monitor our communications, bank withdrawals and movements. They make and shape our opinions through  media houses that they own.

Combined, they own almost half of Kenya’s wealth. They fund political campaigns of most of our politicians and  exert a tremendous amount of influence over what politicians have to say.

But do you know where these people studied. Kenyayote dug deep into the education journey of these people.
Where Kenya’s 7 most powerful individuals studied
1. President Uhuru Kenyatta

Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta-Kenya president
President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

He is the head of state. He is the Commander-In-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces. He is  a billionaire  who controls a large sum of Kenya’s wealth. Behind him  is a following of millions of Kenyans who are loyal to what he says. He studied in  Amherst College in Massachusetts and Kabarak University.

2. Hon. Raila Odinga

Prime Minister Raila Odinga
Rt. Prime Minister Raila Odinga

He remains  relevant and powerful whether in government or out of government. Behind  Raila is a following of about half of Kenyans who are loyal to him. He has the ability to bring  the government to a stand still through his words. He is in  charge of a generation that is fighting the status quo.  He studied in University of Leipzig and Otto-von-Guericke University, East German.

3. DP. William Ruto

Deputy President H.E. Hon. William Ruto
Deputy President H.E. Hon. William Ruto

He remains as one of the 9 most powerful Kenyans By the mere fact that he is the deputy president of the republic of Kenya. Despite that, he is a king pin of  the Kalenjin community with millions of loyal people behind him.  He studied in the university of Nairobi

4. Bob Collymore

safaricom ceo bob collymore
safaricom ceo Bob Collymore

This is the man in charge of the largest communication company in Kenya.  Through Safaricom, Bob controls millions of Kenyan’s communication.  It is alleged that details about the text messages you send and phone calls you make each hour of the day are recorded by a company which this collymore heads. Bob has the ability to know what millions of Kenya are upto each minute and he can prevent them from engaging in some actions by slowing  down their network  of communication. Safaricom acts like a spy wing to the government. Bob Collymore studied  in Selhurst High School  now Selhurst Mathematics and Computing Specialist School.

5. S. K Macharia

Samuel Kamau Macharia.
Founder Royal Media Service: Samuel Kamau Macharia.

This is the man in charge of the biggest television and radio network in Kenya.  The Royal media services  founded by Samuel Kamau Macharia controls most of what Kenyans watch, hear and read every single  second of the day. His top media houses Citizen Tv and Citizen Radio  Shape and Make opinion and disseminate it to the public for consumption. If Citizen Tv says that Luos are poor or Kikuyus are poor  media illiterate Kenyans will take it as  a fact. That is how powerful S. K Macharia is. He studied in University of Nairobi.

6. Dr. Willy Mutunga

Chief Justice Dr. Willy Mutunga
Chief Justice Dr. Willy Mutunga

After the 2013 Kenya presidential ruling, it dawned on many Kenyans how the supreme judge can be powerful. Willy Mutunga’s supreme court has the ability to overturn almost all decisions made in Kenya.  It sounds funny but  if the supreme ruled  that Mohammed Abduba Dida is the winner of the march 2013 Kenya presidential election then he could be the president right now.   The man behind this court is Dr. Willy Mutunga. He studied in  University of Nairobi, University of Dar es Salaam and York University.

7. Rt. Pres. Daniel Arap Moi

President Daniel Arap Moi
Rt. President Daniel Arap Moi

Former president Daniel Moi controls decisions made by politicians,  courts, learning institutions. He has  influence in national policies, and the money circulating in Kenyan banks. Daniel Moi also  has the largest share holding in Kenya’s top media houses, which is why you  know nothing about him.  The little that is available is that Daniel Moi studied in Tambach Teachers raining College.

The above 7 comprise of  a small power structure that controls the financial, political and educational system in Kenya.

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