Wajir County NHIF Outpatient Hospitals

Wajir County NHIF Outpatient Hospitals



List of Wajir County NHIF Outpatient Hospitals.

  • Abakore Sub District Hospital
  • Abdiwaqo Dispensary
  • Adadijole Dispensary    
  • Ademasajida Dispensary
  • Afarshanle Dispensary
  • Afya Medical Clinic And Nursing Home
  • Ajawa Health Centre     
  • Al-Bushra Medical Centre
  • Al-Hamdu Nursing Home
  • Alhayat Nursing Home
  • Alimaow Health Centre
  • Almaaraj Medical Centre
  • Anole Dispensary
  • Arbajahan Heath Centre
  • Arbajahan Nomadic Mobile Clinic
  • Arbaqeyranso Dispensary
  • Argane Dispensary
  • Argani Health Centre
  • Athibohol Dispensary
  • Balatula Amin Dispensary
  • Barmil Dispensary
  • Barwako Medical Centre
  • Barwaqo Dispensary      
  • Basir Dispensary
  • Batalu Dispensary
  • Beramo Dispensary
  • Biyamadhow Health Centre       
  • Biyamatow Health Centre
  • Boa Dispensary
  • Bojiyare Dispensary
  • Buna Nursing Home
  • Buna Sub-District Hospital
  • Burder Health Centre
  • Burmayow Dispensary
  • Bute District Hospital
  • Bute Nursing Home
  • Camel Medical Centre
  • Dadajabula Sub District Hospital
  • Dadhantaly Dispensary
  • Dagahaley Dispensary
  • Dambas Health Centre
  • Danaba Health Centre
  • Dasheq Dispensary
  • Della Dispensary
  • Diff Health Centre
  • Dilmanyaley Health Centre
  • Dugo Health Centre       
  • Dunto Dispensary
  • Elben Dispensary
  • Eldas Health Centre
  • Eldas Nomadic Clinic
  • Elnoor Dispensary
  • Ganyure Dispensary
  • Ganyure Health Centre
  • Garseqoftu Dispensary
  • Gerille Health Centre
  • Godoma- Nep Health Centre     
  • Griftu District Hospital
  • Griftu Nursing Home
  • Gunana Dispensary
  • Gurar Health Centre      
  • Habaswein District Hospital
  • Hadado Health Centre
  • Hargal Dispensary
  • Hodhan Dispensary
  • Hormud Medicare And Laboratory Services
  • Hungai Dispensary
  • Ibrahim Ure Dispensary
  • Ingirir Dispensary
  • Jeddah Nursing Home
  • Jowhar Dispensary         
  • Kajaja 2 Dispensary
  • Katote Dispensary
  • Khorof Harar Sub-District Hospital
  • Konton Dispensary
  • Korof Harar Sub District Hospital
  • Korondile Health Centre
  • Korondille Health Centre             
  • Kula-Aley Health Centre
  • Kursin Dispensary
  • Kutulo Health Centre
  • Ladnan Hospital
  • Lafaley Dispensary
  • Lagboqol Dispensary
  • Lagdima Dispensary
  • Laqbogol Dispensary
  • Leheley Sub District Hospital
  • Lensayu Dispensary       
  • Lolkuta North Dispensary
  • Machesa Dispensary
  • Makaror Dispensary      
  • Makoror Dispensary
  • Malkagufu Dispensary
  • Mansa Health Centre
  • Mansa Nomadic Clinic
  • Masha’allah Nursing Home         
  • Mathalibah Dispensary
  • Maumau Dispensary
  • Meri Health Centre
  • Muad Medical Centre
  • Ogorji Dispensary
  • Port Health Dispensary (Wajir East)
  •  Qajaja 2 Dispensary
  • Qara Dispensary
  • Qoqar Dispensary
  • Qudama Dispensary
  • Qudama Health Centre
  • Riba Dispensary
  • Sabuli Health Centre      
  • Sabuli Nomadic Dispensary
  • Salalma Dispensary
  • Samaad Hospital
  • Sarif Health Centre
  • Sarman Dispensary
  • Shafin Medicare Limited
  • Shanta Abaq Dispensary
  • Shidley Dispensary
  • Tarbaj Health Centre
  • Tesoriye Dispensary
  • Tulatula Dispensary
  • Wagalla Health Centre
  • Wagberi Dispensary
  • Wajir Beyond Zero Mobile Clinic
  • Wajir Catholic Mission Dispensary           
  • Wajir Central Nursing Home
  • Wajir District Hospital (Wajir)
  • Wajir East Nomadic Clinic
  • Wajir Maternity & Nursing Home Ltd
  • Wajir North Nomadic Clinic         
  • Wajir West Roadside Medical Centre & Laboratory
  • Wajir-Bor Health Centre
  • Wara Dispensary
  • Wargadud Dispensary

How to select Hospital

Go to NHIF Portal then Select NHIF Self Care which is the member’s portal.

Enter your national ID number. You will receive a password through SMS to your phone number that you used in registration of your NHIF number. Use that password to log in to your account.

Click ‘Choose Outpatient Facility’. Choose the county and facility you prefer to get your Outpatient services.

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