TSC Promotion and Pay rise for 10,000 teachers and CBA implementation, 2017

TSC Promotion, Pay rise for 10,000 teachers and CBA implementation, 2017



The Teachers service commission (TSC) will increase the salaries of 10,000 teachers after promotion. TSC has also indicated that they will implement the signed CBAs with the two teachers unions (KNUT and KUPPET) that will see a further pay rise in teachers earning in 2017.

TSC Promotion and Pay rise for 10,000 teachers and CBA implementation, 2017
Teachers Promotion in 2017 and Pay rise for 10,000 teachers by TSC and implementation of CBA signed by KUPPET and KNUT/Photo


Pay Rise  by TSC

A pay rise for 10,000 teachers who have been promoted by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will be effected this month.

TSC said those promoted will start earning the enhanced pay with effect from May 3. They were part of 27,000 who had been short-listed for the interviews conducted between March 24 and April 8, 2017.

TSC Head of Communications Kihumba Kamotho said letters for successful applicants would be released to respective TSC County Directors from this week for onward transmission to the teachers. They include 2,351 secondary school teachers who have been promoted from job group L to M and 1,800 secondary school teachers who have moved from job group M to N.


Kamotho further indicated another 943 secondary school principals and deputies had been promoted from job group M from N.  An additional 1,500 head teachers and deputies in pri-mary schools have been promoted from job group L to M.
Primary schools

At least 1,011 and 469 teachers in primary schools will move to job groups M and N respectively. Some 500 graduate head teachers and deputies in pri-mary schools have been promoted from job group G and H to job group K.
Other teachers who have been promoted to job group M and N include lecturers in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions  (TVET),Curriculm Support Officers, tutors in teacher training colleges, Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) and EARC officers.
Kimotho said the Government had set aside funds for the implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed with teachers’ unions whose first phase will be implemented in July.
Preparations for implementation of the Collective Bargaining agreements signed with Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and Kenya Union of Post Pri-mary Education Teachers (KUPPET) are underway and the first phase of the CBAs will be implemented from July 1, 2017.

The above report first appeared on the standardmedia and was written by Nasibo Kabale.

Do not miss all our updates on Teachers promotion list by TSC

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