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Top 3 Most Outstanding Female Student Leaders



Below are the faces of the top 3 Most Outstanding female student leaders in Kenya who will remain in the walls of student politics. The Top 3 Female Student Leaders in Kenya have been ranked according to the achievements they  have made in campus and the awards they have received.

1. Irene Kendi

Irene Kendi (Mama Yao)
Irene Kendi (Mama Yao)


Irene Kendi commonly by many as Mama Yao is the current Vice-Chair for the Student Organization Nairobi University (SONU). She has been recognized by many as a leader who spends a lot of time advocating for the rights of students. Since she was elected as the SONU Vice-Chair, security in the institution has improved.

Irene Kendi was recently voted the most outstanding student leader in Africa by the All-Africa Students Union (AASU) in a summit held in Ghana.

2. Esther kinuthia

Esther kinuthia
Esther kinuthia


She is a 22 year old student leader at Strathmore University pursuing BCOM-Marketing. She is a blogger and was recently nominated for the OLX 2014 SOMA awards under the category New performing blogger.

Esther Kinuthia also recently received the Business Daily annual list of women award for the Top 40 under 40 women in Kenya 2014. She owns and runs the Miss Independent blog and is known by many as Miss Independent.

3. Maimuna Said

Maimuna Said
Maimuna Said


Maimuna Said is a student at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). She is the vice chair of JKUAT student body (JKUSO).

Maimuna Said was recently elected as Maendeleo ya wanawake Chairlady, Wajir County-Batalu Ward, a position she is currently holding. Maimuna Said loves community service particularly disability and gender advocacy.







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