Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

Top 10 most beautiful university buildings in Kenya to study



Beautiful university structures in Kenya: Libraries, hostels, lecture halls, administration blocks, entertainment places, dining places, and seminar rooms are just but a few of the structures that depict the beauty of a university.

Kenya has more than 70 universities. Kenyayote tries its best to ensure that our news fairly cover atleast all universities in Kenya but we at times are not able to reach satellite campuses located in the suburbs. This means that those campus might not have been considered in the  list  of the most beautiful university structures in Kenya.

NOTE: Moi University admin block has been repainted and has a new better look than the old look below. 

Behold, the top most beautiful university buildings in Kenya

1. Umma University

Umma University
Umma University/Photo

2. Kenyatta University Post Modern library

kenyatta university post modern library
kenyatta university post modern library


Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

4. Moi University Administration Block

Moi University administration block beautiful university building in kenya
Moi University Administration block formerly know as another White House has been repainted and looks different from what you are seeing/photo

5. UON Academic Ambience

The University of Nairobi Academic Ambience
The University of Nairobi Academic Ambience

6. Masinde Muliro University  Admin

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

7. Mount Kenya University Convention Centre

Mount Kenya University Convention Centre
Mount Kenya University beautiful building/Photo

8. Gretsa University Music Arts Theater

Gretsa University

Gretsa University


united states international university
united states international university

10. Strathmore university

Strathmore university nairobi
Strathmore university Nairobi
Pan Africa Christian University

Pan Africa Christian University

catholic university of east africa
catholic university of east africa
Kisii university library
Kisii university library

We tried our best to get as many images as possible from different university structures in Kenya and out of the many,ย  Kenyayote campus editors selected the 10 best. However, we did not manage to get images of universities located in the Northern part of Kenya. We hope to get them next time.

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4 responses

  1. raphael kedemi Avatar
    raphael kedemi

    Thanks for the news kindly keep updating us on the current changes

  2. Benard Avatar

    You should include umma University

    1. Kenyayote Support Avatar

      Umma University has been added. Now Number 1.

  3. joe Avatar

    Nice insightful article,
    Kindly link us on

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