Top 10 Most Downloaded Mobile Apps in Kenya in 2018

Top 10 Most Downloaded Mobile Apps in Kenya in 2018



Below is a comprehensive list of some of the most popular and most downloaded mobile apps in Kenya from Google Play Store (Android) and Apple App Store (IOS) as at January 2018.

Top 10 Most Downloaded Mobile Apps in Kenya in 2018
Top 10 Most Downloaded Mobile Apps in Kenya in 2018/Photo


 This must be the most common app. It has provision for texting (groups or individuals), voice calling and even video calling.

It’s a favorite browser to many because of its fast speed and user friendly interface.

It connects many friends, relatives and other groups of people with similar interests.


This app allows one to message (inbox), voice call and even video call their Facebook friends.

It allows one to see their caller’s identity and gives options to block contacts as well as save others.

This is the best mobile app that provides short loans in Kenya without any securities. We have provided a detailed review of the app in this page.

This taxi app enables Uber clients to access taxi services pretty fast. With the app, one is able to identify an Uber driver nearest to them by location and contact them. This of course saves a good deal of time

Is a tabloid news website

It was previously known as mkopo rahisi and it gives people access to loans with affordable interests.

This one was recently developed to enable Safaricom clients access the company’s services through a single app.

It’s a social media app that mainly involves posting photos or related stuff and your friends (followers) get to see your posts.


 It’s evident that Kenyans mostly use apps that are related to the social media. While it is good because it brings people together and gives room for free interaction.


Do not miss all our updates of the top downloaded mobile apps in Kenya.

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