cs anne waiguru with nathaniel akadima

Students leaders meet CS Anne Waiguru over attachment and internships for university students

University Students leaders across the country led by Nathaniel Akadima met with Cabinet Secretary for Devolution & Planning Ms. Anne Waiguru, OGW on 2nd May 2015 in his Nairobi office.

The student leaders held a long discussion with Ms. Anne Waiguru where  they discussed a number of issues affecting students among them being;


  1. Partnership on the 30% Prefential Rule on Government Procurement for the University Students & Youths in general.
  2. The inclusion of University Students in the management of the National Youth Council as envisaged in the National Youth Council Act, 2009.
  3. Appropriate attachments & internships for university students.
  4. The Presidential Award System-Tertiary Institutions Component.

Further elaboration about the four discussed issues will be shared in our subsequent post.

Photo of University student leaders with CS Ms. Anne Waiguru

CS Anne Waiguru with student leaders
CS Anne Waiguru with student leaders

Nathaniel Akadima is currently the leader of National Universities Students Organization (NUSO) which is about to conduct its national elections.

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