How to Stop Lockscreen, Status Bar Notifications and Start Page News on Opera Mini (Android)

How to Stop Lockscreen Notifications and News on Opera Mini (Android)



Disable opera min lock screen ads and news notifications: Opera Mini used to be king of mobile browsers; it was loved and loved in equal measure. It’s intuitive interface, ability to compress and load pages fast are just a few of the features that drew many to it.

The relationship is slowly turning to a love-hate one, however. In a large part, this is thanks to annoying lockscreen/status bar notifications, spontaneous in-app ads and news updates on the Start page.

How to Stop Lockscreen, Status Bar Notifications and Start Page News on Opera Mini (Android)
Opera Mini (Android) Start Page

Those with attachment issues may find uninstallation a hard choice to opt for and may be silently suffering and cursing.

Fortunately, there is a way you can disable the lockscreen/status bar notifications and news updates.

Here’s how;

Disable News

To disable news;

  1. Launch the Opera Mini app on your android device.
  2. Tap on the ‘O’ icon to launch the app menu. You can also tap on your phone’s menu button to launch it.
  3. Open the settings menu, scroll down and tap on Start page content.
  4. Toggle off the switch on News.

Disable Lockscreen/Status bar notifications

Follow the procedure below;

  1. Launch the Opera Mini app on your android device
  2. Tap on the ‘O’ icon to launch the app menu. You can also tap on your phone’s menu button to launch it.
  3. Open the settings menu, scroll down and tap on Notifications.
  4. Toggle off the switch on Opera notifications


Do not miss our latest update on how stop operamin news notifications

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