How to stay safe in Campus, College, Safety tips

How to stay safe in Campus, College: Safety tips



Campus, College Safety Tips: Being in a campus environment always gives students a false sense of belonging and security, a comradeship feeling that nothing can go wrong when you are all together. Well this is not usually the case and insecurity has been on the rise on many Kenyan colleges and universities. Below are tips on how to stay safe in campus.

How to stay safe in Campus, College, Safety tips
How to stay safe in Campus, College, Safety tips/Photo

Take precautions during the night

Avoid walking alone during the night in dark streets. Criminal attacks are less likely to occur when you walk in groups and in well-lit areas.

Take precautions at parties

Here is how you can do this:

  • To avoid cases like sexual assault at parties, always avoid people, places and situations which make you feel uncomfortable
  • You should also be your friend’s keeper and ensure they are safe.
    Always carry your phone for communication purposes in case of emergencies
  • Never leave your drink unattended because many people are usually drugged with their drinks at parties
  • Try to avoid taking alcoholic drinks and if you must, always know your limits

Have the security office phone number

Most campuses have their own security offices which are responsible for the safety of students. Make sure you have the phone number of the security office with you in case of emergencies.

Understand the crime activities within and outside the campus

Knowing more about the targets of criminals within and outside the campus will help you to avoid similar incidences.

You can also stay safe by always making sure your doors are always locked at all times to avoid theft and informing your friends or roommates of your whereabouts whenever you are out and when you be back.

Though most students assume that campus is safe, this is not always the case and it is important to always take care and be responsible for your own safety.


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