SRC New Pay Structure, Job grading for Civil Servants, State Officers, salaries and allowances set on 2017 pd

SRC New Pay Structure: Job grading for Civil Servants, State Officers



The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has has today (July 10th, 2017) released the  allowance, job grading and salary structures for Civil Servants and State Officers (senators, mps, governors, women rep, president, speakers, MCA e.t.c) This marks the conclusion of the job evaluation for the two sectors.

SRC New Pay Structure, Job grading for Civil Servants, State Officers, salaries and allowances set on 2017 pd
SRC New Pay Structure, Job grading for Civil Servants, State Officers, salaries and allowances set on 2017 pdf/Photo


The new pay structure is based on SRC Job Evaluation conducted in 2013 taking into consideration of the performance of the economy  and cost ling in the country. The new pay structure will see the country save ksh. 8 billion. Kenyan wedge bill stands at 52% of the domestic level and SRC is keen to reduce to it 35%.

State officers News Pay Structures announced by SRC

They new salaries will be based  on the  performance of the economy and will be a  fixed pay structure for the term of service

Gross Monthly Salaries/Income

  • President:  1.4 million
  • Deputy President: 1.2 million
  • Cabinet Secretary (CS): 924K
  • Permanent Secretary (PS): 765K
  • Defense Force commanders: 747k
  • Speakers of Senate and National Assembly: 1.1 million
  • Deputy Speakers: 924K
  • Leader of majority and minority: 765k
  • Members parliament (Senators and mps): 621k
  • Governors: 924k
  • Deputy Governor: 621k
  • Speaker of county assembly :259k
  • County ministers: 259k
  • Member of County assembly (MCA): 144k


Benefits/Allowances Abolished  in the 2017 new SRC Pay Structure (governors and DPG)

  • Reimbursable millage allowance
  • special responsibility allowance

Benefits/Allowances Abolished  in the new SRC Pay Structure (Senator and members of parliament)

  • sitting alliance for plenary session
  • Reimbursable millage allowance (replaced with adoption of zoning allowance)
  • special responsibility allowance

Full pdf of the 2017 new SRC Pay Structure will be attached shortly


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