How to score highly in your lecture hall presentations even with stage fright

How to score highly in your lecture hall presentations even with stage fright



As much as many articles have been written on how to cope with stage fright, achieving total calmness is normally not that easy. One minute you think you got it all figured out,then the next minute you are totally freaking out.Does the thought of having all eyes focused on you scare you? It doesn’t have to, you can still pull it through.

How to score highly in your lecture hall presentations even with stage fright
How to score highly in your lecture hall presentations even with stage fright/Photo


Assume you are conversing with a close friend

All those people you are seeing before you are not strangers. They are your fellow comrades; the ones you have pumping into in the hallways. Remember,you even exchange pleasantries with most and some of them are your friends. They know you and are not there to judge you. Talk to them as you would a close friend.

Everyone is there to learn

Remember you all have one thing in common, you are all students.Carry out your presentation with an open mind. You don’t have to know everything.Answer questions according to your understanding and let others chip in. Do not feel overwhelmed by the ‘know-it all’ type ,some of hem are just there to frustrate you. Don’t give them that pleasure.

Make it lively

Easen up, crack a joke or two. It will lighten up the room and get much focus off you.Then you will be able share your ideas freely. It’s time you let go of that primary school advise of looking at people’s foreheads. Rather,maintain eye contact. It will might be difficult at first, but it will surely make others gain confidence in you.


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