Sarahah app is a scam

Sarahah app is a scam: Why users who have installed it want it deleted



Sarahah app is the new scam in town trending in the name of an app that can help you improve your weakness and work on your strength. It is nothing less of that. Below is sample users experience on Sarahah app use.

Sarahah app is a scam
Sarahah app is a scam, why users who have installed it, want it deleted from app stores/Photo

 NOTE: Sarahah app is a scam because it steals your information. Make sure your have an antivirus in your phone before installing this scam of an app otherwise your smartphone will be left with  viruses.

Sarahah app users reviews

  • Robin: When I downloaded the Sarahah app it sounded like a good idea it sounded fun and entertaining. I never even thought about the bulling prospect of it. I got some really nice things sent to me and there were a few jokes played on me but they were all in good fun. It wasn’t until the next day when I saw someone else get some pretty mean things sent to them. It is hurtful especially when you can’t defend yourself to who is saying it. It just makes it easy to be a target. With children these days hurting each other so bad that suicide is an option this app. would only fuel the flames
  • Brian Patrick: If I could give this Sarahah app a 0-star review, I would. Much like Formspring, this app encourages individuals to anonymously target and attack individuals without ramification.
  • Avinash: The potential for this Sarahah app to become dangerous to people who can be psychologically affected by comments from anonymous people is too high for it to be ok. I shut down my page after a few hours when a friend pointed that out. While their core intention might be genuine, the potential for misuse far exceeds the benefits of this.
  • Heathe: People were nothing but bullies to me on here. I got so may people saying so many mean things on here to the point where i had to delete the Sarahah app. Whoever invented this app is an asshole and they need to take it down.
  • Faith: This Sarahah app only enables bullying and teaches youth (and adults alike) not to be responsible for their actions. The anonymous feature allows people to bully others without consequences. Why is there a need to be anonymous to say something nice to someone? If the complement meant ANYTHING they would say it to your face. The people who are rating this app high are the bystanders who do nothing when someone is being bullied
  • August: This app needs taken down all this app is is another way to bully and it’s stupid find something better to do with your time then bully someone for what they have don’t have or what they wear or don’t wear etc.
  • Jennifer: Abuse in every direction that you can’t defend your self!! Some kid is going to turn to suicide because of this Sarahah app TAKE IT DOWN!!
  • Holly: This is a horrible app to help fuel bullying. I’m not okay with this
  • Kat Gregory: tool for cowards who don’t have the guts to handle actual conversation

UPDATE: The app has been removed from Google Playstore and Apple store.

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