Raila Odinga's Claims on Covert Women Sterilization

Why Raila Odinga's Claims on Covert Women Sterilization in Kenya are not Far-Fetched



Concern over a sterilization program under the guise of tetanus vaccination has been reignited in Kenya after opposition leader Raila Odinga raised concerns over the same. The Catholic church in Kenya kicked the storm in 2014 when they said the government was aiding the WHO in covert sterilization of women. This was in reference to a subdued vaccination exercise targeted on women of child-bearing age between 14 and 49 years old.
The Catholic church, known to have experts in various fields, undertook their own independent tests and reported that randomly selected vials of the vaccine tested positive for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) antigen. The human body recognizes HCG and creates antibodies to fight it. This either sterilizes women or induces miscarriage if given during pregnancy.
In February 2010 Bill Gates gave a TED Talk where he hinted on the initiative to reduce world population through vaccines. Gates said, “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s really headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care reproductive health service, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.”
An attempt to control population covertly through vaccines is not a novel concept. In 1974 there was attempted covert sterilization of Mexican school children with vaccines. According to a newspaper clipping from the Santa Cruz Sentinel dated 11th December 1974, persons disguised as vaccination teams were spotted giving injections to school children. Mexican authorities halted the exercise as parents stormed schools and took their children.

Other countries targeted for population reduction at that time included India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.
According to this article, pregnant women in Thailand were “forced to receive vaccines – including tetanus – in order to get ID cards for their children.” In the Philippines a UNICEF tetanus vaccine exercise was halted in 1995 following a court order the Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines won challenging it. The League was challenging the vaccine program on grounds that the vaccine had B-hCG.
If these cases (and several others) are anything to go by, an undertaking of the sort is not implausible. The Kenyan opposition leader and the Catholic church’s claims should not be dismissed casually.

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