How to pass without cheating in Exams

How to pass without cheating in Exams



Many students engage in cheating due to the pressure to pass in exams. Apart from being a form of dishonesty, the consequences of exam cheating are harsh and if not controlled, it becomes a habit that will eventually lead to failure. Here are six helpful ways you can avoid cheating in exams.

How to pass without cheating in Exams
How to pass without cheating in Exams/Photo

Avoid carrying any unauthorized material to the exam room

Avoid bringing materials that are not allowed into the exam room along with you for example, your mobile phone. You might be tempted to use it to cheat even if it wasn’t your intention to do so

Don’t sit with your friends

Chances of copying are increased when you sit next to your friends in an exam room. It is advisable to sit in a position that is as far as possible from them since they may distract you and raise suspicion from the exam invigilator

Avoid pessimists

These are the Course mates or friends who are always stressed and complaining of how they are not prepared and how the exam is going to be hard. Their stress can be contagious and you might end up doubting yourself even if you are well prepared for an exam

Always remember the consequences of cheating

Universities and colleges have strict rules relating to exam cheating. Before you try to involve yourself in any examination malpractice, it is important to ask yourself if the risk you are about to take is worth it. Are you willing to be expelled for something you could have easily avoided?

Know your priorities

The main reason why you are in campus/college is to get an education. Always remember this and stay focused on achieving it without any distractions

Last minute preparations is also not advisable. Always manage your study time well and be prepared for the exam


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One response

  1. Destiny Avatar

    Please I need someone to help me with chemistry

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