Nyandarua County NHIF Outpatient Hospitals

Nyandarua County NHIF Outpatient Hospitals



List of Nyandarua County NHIF Outpatient Hospitals.

  • A.C.K Nyandarua Medical Centre
  • Amazing Grace M Clinic                                     
  • Baari Health Centre        
  • Bamboo Health Centre
  • Beyond Zero Clinic
  • Beyond Zero Nyandarua
  • Bliss Gvs Healthcare Limited
  • Captain Dispensary
  • Chamuka Dispensary     
  • Engineer District Hospital
  • Fr Baldo Catholic Dispensary
  • Gathara Dispensary        Olkalou
  • Gatimu Health Centre
  • Gatondo Dispensary
  • Geta Forest Dispensary
  • Getabush Health Centre
  • Githabai Dispensary
  • Globe Medical Centre
  • Haraka Dispensary
  • Heni Health Centre
  • Huho-Ini Dispensary
  • J.M.Kariuki (Ol Kalou) District Hospital
  • Kahembe Dispensary
  • Kahembe Health Centre
  • Kahuru Dispensary
  • Kahuru Dispensary (Nyandarua South)
  •  Kaimbaga Dispensary   
  • Kaimbaga Health Centre
  • Kamiruri Dispensary                                                  
  • Kamuchege Dispensary (Mirangine)       
  • Kanjuiri Dispensary
  • Karangatha Health Centre
  • Kasuku Health Centre
  • Kenton Dispensary
  • Kiambogo Dispensary
  • Kiambogo Dispensary (Nyandarua South)
  •  Kiburuti Dispensary
  • Kihuho Milangine Dispensary
  • Kirima Dispensary
  • Kiriogo Dispensary
  • Kitogo Dispensary
  • Koinange Dispensary     
  • Kwambekenya Dispensary
  • Lereshwa Dispensary     Olkalou
  • Leshau Pondo Health Centre
  • Maina And Mwangi Health Centre
  • Manunga Health Centre
  • Mastoo Dispensary
  • Mbuyu Dispensary
  • Mikaro Dispensary
  • Mikeu Dispensary
  • Mirangine Health Centre
  • Mukindu Dispensary
  • Mukungi Dispensary      
  • Mumui Dispensary
  • Munyaka Dispensary
  • Murungaru Health Centre
  • Mutarakwa Dispensary
  • Nandarasi Dispensary
  • Ndaragwa Health Centre
  • Ndemi Health Centre    
  • Ndivai Dispensary
  • Ndunyu Njeru Dispensary
  • Ngano Health Centre
  • Ngorika Health Centre
  • Nist Dispensary
  • Njabini Health Centre
  • Njabini Catholic Dispensary        
  • North Kinangop Catholic Hospital             
  • Nyandarua Prisons Dispensary
  • Ol-Joroorok Catholic Dispensary
  • Olbolosat Dispensary
  • Old Mawingu Health Centre
  • Partners In Life Support Health Services
  • Pesi Dispensary
  • Rurii Dispensary
  • Rwanyambo Dispensary
  • Shamata Health Centre
  • Sharom Dispensary        
  • Shauri Health Centre
  • Silibwet Health Centre
  • Subuku Dispensary
  • Subuku Health Centre
  • Tarusha Dispensary
  • Tumaini National Youth Service Dispensary
  • Turaisha Dispensary
  • Uruku Dispensary
  • Wanjohi Health Centre
  • Weru Health Centre

How to select Hospital

Go to NHIF Portal then Select NHIF Self Care which is the member’s portal.

Enter your national ID number. You will receive a password through SMS to your phone number that you used in registration of your NHIF number. Use that password to log in to your account.

Click ‘Choose Outpatient Facility’. Choose the county and facility you prefer to get your Outpatient services.

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