Hessy Facebook post | Photo Courtesy

No Burial Permit for Dangerous Gaza Gang Member!



20th August spelt an end to one of the most protracted hunt for a hard core criminal in recent times. Nairobi police, with the help of their colleagues from Juja, were able to track and corner 23-yr old hardcore Gaza Gang leader Michael Mwaniki, popularly known as Mwanii or Mwane, and his accomplices who were hiding in Witeithie, Juja.

The Facebook post ton Mwanii's gunning down
The Facebook post ton Mwanii’s gunning down | Photo courtesy


For those not in the know, Mwane hails from Kayole and is one of the leaders of the dreaded Gaza gang. He is said to have killed at least 2 police officers and many more innocent victims and colleagues. In one case, Mwane reportedly pushed his friend Collo to death in a quarry on suspicion that the latter was having an affair with the late Clea Adi Vybz (pictured below). Clea Adi Vybz was gunned down in a fierce shootout with the police in Kayole earlier this year.

Clea with Collo (both deceased
Clea with Collo (both deceased)/Photo Courtesy


Intelligence leaks from the police reveal that Mwane was lured to a trap after one of the moles in his circle alerted police that he had placed an order for ammunition. Flying Squad police then accompanied the informant to Mwane’s hideout. The cunning gangster smelled a rat and tried to flee while shooting at the police but this time round he was out of luck and went down in a hail of bullets. One of his accomplices, Willis, was also gunned in the shootout. Three more accomplices are said to have fled into the neighbouring Kiandutu slums. A Ceska Pistol, 14 rounds of ammunition were recovered from Mwane. It is said an AK 47 belonging to the police is yet to be recovered from the gang.

On a recent post on the Dandora Crime Free Facebook page, Hessy wa Dandora –  a supposed police officer, issued a pointed warning to Mwane’s colleagues who may wish to attend his burial. It is an open secret that police often infiltrate the burials of gang members in a bid to identify elusive partners in crime. While this is often kept under wraps, this time Hessy openly issued the warning and added that no burial permit is going to be issued for the former gang leader’s interment.

Hessy Facebook post | Photo Courtesy
Hessy Facebook post | Photo Courtesy


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