Ministry of Education reduces CBC Subjects for Primary and Junior School

Ministry of Education reduces CBC Subjects for Primary and Junior School

The Ministry of Education has announced that it has reduced the number of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) subjects at lower primary, upper primary, and junior secondary school levels. This is in line with the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform.

Below is an overview of the revised subjects across the different educational levels:

Lower Primary Subjects

Lower primary (Grade 1 to 3) subjects have been reduced from 9 to 7, with Hygiene and Nutrition activities now included in Environmental Activities. The 7 subjects are:

  • Indigenous Language
  • Kiswahili Language/Kenya Sign Language
  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Religious Education
  • Environmental Activities
  • Movement and Creative Activities

Upper Primary Subjects

Subjects for upper primary (Grade 4, 5, and 6) have been decreased from 10 to 8. Agriculture and Home Science have amalgamated into a single subject named Agriculture and Nutrition. Indigenous and foreign languages will now be considered non-formal programmes. The 8 subjects are:

  • English
  • Kiswahili/Kenya Sign Language
  • Mathematics
  • Religious Education
  • Science and Technology
  • Agriculture and Nutrition
  • Social Studies
  • Creative Arts

Junior Secondary Subjects

Junior secondary school subjects have been reduced from 9 to 14. Integrated Science and Health Education are now combined as Integrated Science, while Social Studies and Life Skills Education have been merged into a single subject called Social Studies. Agriculture and Home Science subjects are redefined as Agriculture and Nutrition. Computer Studies and Business Studies are under one subject called Pre-technical Studies. The 9 Subjects are:

  • English
  • Kiswahili/Kenya Sign Language
  • Mathematics
  • Religious Education
  • Social Studies
  • Integrated Science
  • Pre-technical Studies
  • Agriculture and Nutrition
  • Creative Arts and Sports

Pre-primary (PP1 – PP2) subjects remain 5 as they were.

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