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Moi University: Analysis of the Likely winners according to Todays’s MUSO election Crossfire observation



MUSO elections 2014The following aspirants stand a higher chance of winning out of what the kenyayote campus team noted in today’s first MUSO elections crossfire. However, the first crossfire is not the determinant because the mood changes as the campaigns proceeds.


The post of MUSO Academic Director

  1. Edu Moen (Has support but not good in convincing the audience. He might eventually lose support if he does not rectify on this)
  2. Babu Vincent (Has a lot of support but he is not good in responding to questions)
  3. Karithi David (Lacks goons but  a very nice speaker)
  4. Oyonge Kennedy (Has a mastery of MUSO politics but lacks support)


The post of MUSO Secretary General

  1. Justus Safari (Very poor in speaking but has a lot of support)
  2. Joel Evans (Has a mastery of muso politics, nice in speaking, needs more goons to win)
  3. Christohpher Omondi (Fluent speaker, no support)
  4. Oliver Bill (Nice speaker)
  5. Vollah Owino (Arrogant speaker)
  6. Katam Andrew (Poor speaker)


The post of MUSO vice chair still remains a tight and unpredictable race between Grace Nyawade and
Muchiri Grace

Kenyayote campus team will be following tomorrow’s MUSO  2014  elections crossfire for more analysis.

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