Mbai Christin Nzillani-Fist class honor student

Message from Mbai Christin Nzillani the top best graduate: UON valedictorian of the year 2015

Mbai Christin Nzillani the top best graduate: UON valedictorian of the year 2015 (photo source: UON VC twitter)

UoN 53rd Graduation Ceremony is here with us and the valedictorian of the year 2015 goes to this humble and God fearing lady. Mbai Christin Nzillani is the top and best student in class of 2015 September graduates. Below is a little profile about Chritin well known as Kristin Nzilani.

Mbai Christin Nzillani
Mbai Christin Nzillani (Photo: fb)
  • Tribe: Kamba
  • High school: Alliance Girls High school
  • Undergraduate Course: Architecture and building science
  • University: University of Nairobi


Message from Mbai Christin Nzillani


Today we stand well equipped to join the job market, having been though the best university in Kenya. We must believe in ourselves, be decisive, apply the knowledge acquired effectively in whatever next we chose to pursue. Let each of us have conviction of our goals and career paths, embarking on them with tenacity all the way. We must never give up at the first sigh of defeat; Let us always seek to rise above the mundane. We are good enough, Smart enough and strong to serve. Having come this far, feat it is, nonetheless, we are not yet in our destinies. Let us not lose sight of what we aspire to be, choose to be motivated and manipulated, useful not used, for the Knowledge have is potential.


Message from UON Vice Chancellor, Prof. Peter Mulwa Felix Mbithi

I salute the Woman Power UON BEST Student- Mbai Christin Nzillani – #StrengthOfAWomen.


Message from Mbai Christin Nzillani’s friend, Dennis Mugambi


Today I celebrate the achievement of Kristin Nzilani… As much as I know you were once my girlfriend… And I may probably never get an opportunity again… But am a lover of success… And to say am proud of you… Is just an understatement…. I love how you have done… I may have failed in all the rest but surely I encouraged someone as its evident.. Congratulations Again


Kenyayote wishes to Congratulate Mbai Christin Nzillani for the UON valedictorian of the year 2015

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