uasu sg Constantine Wesonga calls off lectures strike

CS Matiangi, UASU calls off Lecturers strike, says its over after pay deal

CS Matiangi and the lecturers union  UASU have  reached a pay deal and resolved to call off the two month long strike.

uasu sg Constantine Wesonga calls off lectures strike
UASU Secretary General Constantine Wesonga calls off lecturers strike/Image



The Lectures Salary Deal


The lectures have a agreed to take 17.5% pay increase that was offered by the government.


While issuing  a press statement the University Academic Staff Union (UASU) leaders inidcated that the government had agreed to increases the pay from their earlier 15% pledge  to 17% and committed to look into the CBA later.

Ministry of Education Meeting

CS Matiangi met with the Lecturers’ Union leaders on Thursday  and asked them to call off the ongoing  strike after tabling the pay hike.

Students Reporting to Campus Dates

Students have been asked to resume back to campus on 14th March 2017


Do not miss our updates inside the pay increase report that led to the calling off the lecturers strike.

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