how to make money online with course hero semerster study notes

Making Money Online by sharing semester notes at Course Hero



Course Hero is an education platform that allows scholars tho share educational resources to help others learn and study.  As you share your documents, Course Hero allows you to make money online but with some conditions that will be indicated below.

how to make money online with course hero semerster study notes
How to make money online with Course Hero by uploading semester study notes, advising students and answering questions/Photo

As a student, you can make money online with course hero by sharing your semester notes and study guides. You will be paid once students start using your notes. You can also earn through answering questions.

Course Hero Registration Guide

  • Visit Course Hero  website
  • The Sign Up for an Account
  • Then Go to Course Advice Tab or Upload Document
  • Give advice on courses you  have knowledge in. You will  get $10 in tutor credits after submitting advice for 3 courses and can earn up to $20.
  • You will also  receive $1 every times your resource receives 20 unlocks  from subscribers

How to increase your earning at Course Hero

  • Provide more descriptions bout your courses like  professor and year
  • Use descriptive titles to improve rankings on search engines
  • Tag various categories when uploading your document
  • Share you work on social media

Course Hero Payment Methods

After earning money with Course Hero you will need to be paid. Course Hero accepts  the following credit card payment methods;

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • PayPal.4

PS. You might be interested in It is a nice platform to sell your class notes in Kenya and get paid via mpesa

Do not miss our updates on how to make money online with Course Hero? and is Course Hero a scam?

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