How to make money while studying, Starting your business in campus and becoming a young entrepreneur

How to make money while studying: Starting your business in campus



Business and Studies (young entrepreneurs): Undoubtedly, most students need money while in campus; at least more than their guardians and academic sponsors avail to them. The ‘why’s for the need for money vary but the ‘how’s are similar in many cases and entirely workable. In this post, I shall cover the five fastest was to make money while in studying.

How to make money while studying, Starting your business in campus and becoming a young entrepreneur
How to make money while studying, Starting your business in campus and becoming a young entrepreneur/Photo

The saving magic

For primary and high schoolers, saving is your best friend in making money. But how?

  • Do spend what is left after saving and not vice versa.
  • Have a daily saving goal of let’s say twenty shillings a day.

Mobile banking services perfectly help in saving since once the money is saved it will be ‘out of our sight’ unlike in our pocket where you can squander it for miscellaneous interests. Try either of these for three months non-stop then look at your account and set higher goals.

  • Key saving points
  • Have a consistent saving style
  • Do not postpone saving
  • Avoid expenses that are unnecessary and irrelevant to your lifestyle.

The saving technique is of course applicable to college and campus students as well. There are however more ways for campus students to make money since they tend to have enough free time. Time is a direct proportion of earning money, if not an equal.


“I don’t know my talent” is the loud song here.

The fact is that no one was born with their talent written on the palms of their hands. We discover it by trial and error. There is that thing that your hands will perfectly fall upon. The difference is that some of us are fortunate to have our talents celebrated by the society at large unlike others.

If you don’t know your talent yet, keep trying a variety of things then stick with what you enjoy most.
In campuses there are games teams which often get paid by the school after matches. Writing, journalism, media, environment, only to name a few clubs have come up with ways of making money. Join them!

Key point:

Never shy from pioneering. If you have a new idea of making money from your talent, START IT! …find similar talent bearers and collaborate.

You can go as far as your mind can see


“Which business?” is the big question.
Let your environment tell you. Whatever service you personally seek outside school on a regular basis you can offer it.
Your savings can make a good capital. Your vision matters more than the level where you start the business.

Examples of businesses to set up

  • Barbershop
  • Canteen
  • Games play station
  • Cyber café
  • Hotel
  • Movie shop


With time you can employ someone to help you.
In case you don’t know the procedure to set up a business in school, consult with relevant authority.

Online jobs

Do you have a laptop and internet access?

  • Transcription, online writing and data entry are jobs you could handle.

Part time jobs

  • These can be found either via school placement programs or by working for the school in a given department if your schedule allows.
  • You can also offer skilled or non-skilled paid the surrounding society.

In a sense, I liken search for money to spouse searching. There are many but you got to set your eyes on one, maximize and then you.


Do not miss all our guides on how to make money while in school!

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