primary school in Kenya

List of All Primary schools in Kenya: Public and Private

Find below  a  list of total number of public and academy/privateschools in Kenya. The schools have been arranged alphabetical not in terms of rankings from the best to the worst. In our next post you will find also analysis of the laptop project.

primary school in Kenya
Primary School Pupils in a class with the laptop provided by Kenya Government under Laptop Project/Photo

List of All Primary schools in Kenya: Private and Public

  1. Aga Khan Academy Mombasa – Likoni
  2. Aga Khan Junior Academy, Nairobi
  3. Aga Khan Primary School
  4. Aga Khan nursery School
  5. Makini Primary
  6. Babadogo Primary School
  7. Bondeni Primary School
  8. Bungoma DEB (District Education Board) Primary School
  9. Buru Buru Primary School, Nairobi
  10. Senior Chief Koinange Secondary School
  11. St. Paul’s Primary School
  12. St. Teressa RC Chakol Girls Primary School
  13. Sultan Hamud Township Primary School
  14. Tabaka Girls Primary
  15. Keburunga Primary

Complete List of all schools available here

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2 responses

  1. Zadock opole Avatar
    Zadock opole

    I was not able to trace several schools in Nyanza
    Mbugra Primary School
    Kusa Primary School
    Dirubi Primary Schoo
    Ochol Primary School
    Nyadero Primary School

    1. Elvis Nyakang'i Avatar

      The list will be updated.

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