UASU and KUSU press statement on the Latest news on Lecturers strike in Kenya over CBA implementation and CS Matiangi reaction

Latest news on Lecturers strike in Kenya, CBA implementation and CS Matiangi reaction



The Kenya University staff Union (KUSU) and Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) have for the second time in a year called for a countrywide withdrawal of services in Universities for lack of full implementation of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed between the University unions and the government in May 2017. The CBA would have seen lecture’s salary increased by end of  June but that has not happened.

UASU and KUSU press statement on the Latest news on Lecturers strike in Kenya over CBA implementation and CS Matiangi reaction
UASU and KUSU press statement on the Latest news on Lecturers strike in Kenya over CBA implementation and CS Matiangi reaction/Photo



The Kenya University staff Unions strike

While addressing the media on Saturday 1st July 2017, KUSU Secretary General Charles Mukhwaya said that government has upto to Sunday night to implement the CBA failure to which all their staff will go on strike from Monday 3rd July 2017.

UASU Secretary General Constantine Wasonga on the other hand, said that the government is being dishonest with lecturers as it had promised to implement the CBA after they called off their strike in March.

University staff bodies (Kenya University staff Unions (KUSU), Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers (KUDHEIHA), and Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) agreed to suspend all university services until the government disburses the ksh. 10 billion for the implementation of the CBA as agreed.

CS Fred Matiangi reaction on the lecturers strike

While addressing the press yesterday, CS Matiangi indicated that the government will implement the CBA in two phases. The ministry has already released Ksh. 4.8 billion into public universities public accounts for the implementation of the CBA in the first phase. He said that the second phase will be implemented in financial years 2017/2018.

The Unions have however denied the offer and said that they want the full implementation of the signed CBA.


Do not miss all our latest news updates on the KUSU, UASU; Lecturers strike in Kenya!

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