How to know your child is read to start school, Preparing your kid to start schooling

How to know your child is ready to start school: Preparing your kid to start schooling



Are you planning on taking your child to school and you are not sure whether it is the right time? This post will help you determine if your child is ready to start schooling. Here are a number of skills that you should look out for in your child.

How to know your child is read to start school, Preparing your kid to start schooling
How to know your child is read to start school, Preparing your kid to start schooling/Photo


Can your child control him/herself? This is more important especially when it is about being able to control themselves in the bathroom. If your child can be able to confidently and independently assist themselves in the bathroom then they can also do so in school.


Your child should be able to control their emotions and express their feelings not only to you but also to others without fear. You child should also show the ability of being able to take care of their belongings for example toys clothes. If they can do this at home, they should be able to do it in school too.

A child who can follow instructions and interacts well socially with adults and other children and enjoys playing with them is also ready for schooling.

A parent should also observe if their child can easily put on clothes, operate the buttons and tie their shoe laces by themselves without any form of assistance. If they can do this might as well be ready to start school.

Other qualities to look for in your child include the ability to easily adapt to changes in their environment, ask a lot of questions out of curiosity and talk in sentences with ideas.

If your child possesses the above qualities, Congratulations! He or she is ready to begin schooling

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