fire itierio boys

KISII: Itierio Boys High School students burn down dormitories in protest of strict regulations



Students at  Itierio Boys High School  down dormitories in protest of strict regulations

fire itierio boys
Photo of Itierio boys high dormitory being consumed by fire: By Cyprian Getanda

A number of dormitories and other structures have been burned down by fire set by aggrieved students. The boys were protesting the strict regulations of operation introduced by Principal Andrew Otara’s regime.

The incident occurred in the night of June 25, 2016. Police from Suneka and fire fighters were immediately dispatched to contain the situation.  Most students have fled the school for safety.

Kisii County Governor James Ongwae who visited the school after the fire tragedy indicated ” I condemn in the strongest terms possible this act of destroying a learning facility worth millions of shillings. I call upon both the students and teachers to always embrace dialogue in resolving conflict whenever they arise.”


(More information to be updated)


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