kenyatta university student portal

Kenyatta University (KU) student portal: Online Course Registration Guide

Below is  a simple guide on how to register for your degree and diploma courses online  using the student portal. The step by step guide has been adapted from Kenyatta University website.

kenyatta university student portal
Kenyatta University student portal homepage/Photo



Step by Step guide on KU Course registration


  1. Visit:
  2. Them click on the tab labelled ‘Student Portal Homepage
  3. On the students’ portal login page, enter your  Username and  Password in lower case
  4. Then Click  Login
  5. On the left of the homepage click on  Academics> Online Registration  then proceed to  Begin Online Registration

    NOTE: If you see this error “Online Registration is not available”  clear with finance by submitting deposit slips finance officer will remove the  hold  then you proceed with  registration

  6. In order to search for the course to be registered  Use Quick Add functionality
  7. Type the Course Code that needs to be registered then click on  Add
  8. Once the course is added, verify the course and  click on  Register  or Proceed to Final Step
  9. The final step is to click on  Register
  10. Once registered, this Screen shows the list of  courses that the student has registered.

You are now done!


Source of guide:


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