uon graduation ceremony and list

Kenya School of Law Graduation Ceremony and list

The Kenya School of Law wishes to inform all the students in the Advocates Training Program (ATP) and the Diploma in Law (Para-legal Studies) who have already completed their studies or will have done so by 7th October, 2015 and have become eligible for conferment of their respective Diplomas, that they can apply for the inaugural graduation ceremony scheduled for 30th of October, 2015.
All prospective graduands should note the following:
• Application forms are free and available at the School’s Academic Services Office, or can be downloaded from the School’s website www.ksl.ac.ke.
• The deadline for submission of application is 15th October, 2015.
• All prospective graduands should pay all outstanding school fees before being cleared for graduation.
• Payment of graduation fee of Kes. 3,500 should be made on or before 15/10/2015 to:
Kenya School of Law
Barclays Bank of Kenya
A/C No. 2022099110
Branch: Barclays Plaza
• Prospective graduands will be required to be in full academic attire on the graduation day. The attire will be issued from 26th – 29th October, 2015 and must be returned by 6th November, 2015. Kshs. 1,000 shall be refundable on return of the attire. The School will levy a fine of Kes. 100 per day should a graduand delay to return the attire.
• It is mandatory that all prospective graduands attend rehearsal at the Graduation Square, Kenya School of Law, Karen on Thursday 29th October, 2015 at 10.00 am.

For further information please contact:
Kenya School of Law
Academic Service Department
P.O. Box 30369 – 00100
Telephone: 020-2699581/2/3/4/5/6 Extension 284


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