Erc CEO Pavel Oimeke on revised Kenya power tariffs 2018 and kplc tokens pricing

Kenya Power New Revised Tariff Rates, KPLC Token Charges, Electricity pricing

Kenya Power and Lightening Company’s new revised tariff rates. Get to know of KPLC electricity token charges and bill pricing or calculation in Kshs. The New revised tariffs were announced by the Energy Regularity Commission (ERC).

Power Charges

As of 1st November 2018, KPLC again Revised The Tariff Rates and reduced the prices. A conversation on fb from Customers clearly confirms that the new tariffs are more cheaper. With Ksh. 500 you are supposed to get 33 units compared to the old tariff which could give you 22 units.

What the New Electricity Tariffs address

  • Reduction in tariffs: They have given a 6.9% across an average cost of power.
  • Standing Power Charges:  Standing charge tariff has been removed. All the consumers money will go towards the purchase of energy units.
  • Standardization of Tariff: Some traffic categories like interruptible have been removed.
  • Manufactures: There was an average reduction of about 4.4% in power tariffs. But they retained the time of use tariff so that manufacturers can still be able to produce beyond at 50% after peak.

The way the new power tariffs have been designed is that the more you consume the more the discount. This means that the high consumers will gain more from the new tariff.

Table and ERC statement on New Kenya Power Tariffs rates

The proposed electricity tariff structure for the review period is intended to be cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable. The existing base non-fuel retail tariffs are proposed to be adjusted as shown in the table below.

Table of on New Kenya Power Tariffs rates of 2018 and kpl tokens prices
Table of New Kenya Power Tariffs rates and kpl tokens prices/Photo

Kenya Power and Lightening Company (KPLC) Contact info

Do not miss all our latest updates on how to calculate token charges according to the new Kenya Power Tariff rates.

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2 responses

  1. Gideon Avatar

    Hello,kindly let me know how to calculate amount I consume in month. I consume 3023 Unit monthly. Thanks

  2. Francis Avatar

    Why do you overcharge house hold consumer?????how comes your charge 15.80ksh per unit instead of 12ksh per unit .why are you over charging ???

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