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Kaimenyi gives 11 reasons Why the ministry of education abolished Ranking of schools in release of KCPE results



Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi
Photo: Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi

In his statement while releasing KCPE 2014 results at Mtihani house, Prof. Kaimenyi indicated that the demerits of ranking national examination results outweigh the merits of the same. Prof. Kaimenyi gave 11 reasons why the ministry abolished the rankings;


  1. Institutions are interested in the product not the process
  2. Teachers are only interested in mean score not the resources
  3. Some schools use unethical methods to appear in the merit list. They want to appear the best or on the top. This leads to untold suffering to parents and children. For instance, weak students are forced to repeat so that a school can attain a high mean score.
  4. Ranking creates unnecessary competitions among schools leading to examination irregularities.
  5. It is not fair to compare institutions that have different resources i.e. infrastructure
  6. Some schools maintain a small number of children so that they can attain a high mean score.
  7. Some schools have dropped non examination results
  8. Ranking leads to production of poorly educated children. Children are only taught to cram so that they can pass examination.
  9. Ranking affects the morale of teachers in poorly performing schools. It leads to stigmatization. In some cases pupils have committed suicide because of being lowly ranked
  10. Politicians have started politicizing rankings
  11. Schools engage in extra coaching. Students are forced to learn until midnight.

Prof. Kaimenyi also warned any institution do desist from engaging in any form of ranking.

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