How to Improve Vision Without Medicine or Surgery

How to Improve Vision Without Medicine or Surgery



Shakespeare did not err when he described eyes as windows to the soul. Eyes are some of the most important organs on our body.

How to Improve Vision Without Medicine or Surgery
Eyes are windows to the soul

Without them we would not perceive our surroundings and people the way we do. If for a moment you doubt the importance of eyes, blindfold yourself and try getting around.

I bet you wouldn’t want the experience to be permanent.

Like most other abilities, vision naturally deteriorates over time due to aging – or can be lost altogether due to accidents or ailments.

While some eye problems can be sorted out medically, others are irreversible.

There are aspects that contribute to rapid deterioration of vision; which can we manage to improve vision and/or slow down eye deterioration.

Here’s how:


Eyes do need a healthy dose of nutrients to function optimally. It is for this reason that experts recommend eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Foods rich in Vitamins A, C, and E are especially important for maintenance of eye health.

Dark green vegetables, egg yolk, carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins contain antioxidants that play a vital role in curbing eye degeneration.

Foods such as garlic and onions contain elements that help protect the lens from cataract formation.


Like most other parts of the body, eyes do need exercises for optimal functioning. Do simple exercises such as rolling your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise at least ten times.

You can also focus on an object, such as a key, at arm’s length. Slowly bring the object closer until it isi about five inches from your face.

Slowly move the object away, while maintaining focus. Repeat the action for about 10 times.


While adequate sleep affords ultimate rest for eyes, occasional breaks during working hours are important for optimal functioning.

Working environments such as on computers are often cited as agents of vision deterioration.

You can embrace the 20-20-20 rule to rest your eyes if you work on a computer for long hours. This means for every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away from your computer for 20 seconds.


Too much or too little light is bad for your eyes. Experts also note that some forms of lighting, such as fluorescent, are bad for eyes because they give out wrong frequencies.

Choose soft lights for your rooms instead of bright ones.

When working on a desk, ensure the source of light is shaded and directed towards the paper or book you are working on.

It is also not advisable to work on a computer or watch TV in total darkness.



A dry and dusty environment can cause eye irritation. Use a humidifier to moisturize the immediate environment.

A thermostat comes in handy in controlling airflow and filtering out dust particles.

You can also move your work place to a location that is less dusty and well moisturized.

The above steps are only effective in stemming deterioration of healthy eyes. If you are experiencing eye problems, it is advisable to seek medical attention from a reputable optician.

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