IEBC official Meru County August Election Results, Winner; Governor, Senator, MP, MCA, Women REP

IEBC: Meru County Election Results, Winners, August 2017; Governor, Senator, MP, MCA

Meru County Official Results of winners from the independent electoral and Boundaries commission (IEBC) in the position of Governor, Senator, Women Representative, Member of Parliament (MP) and Member of County assembly (MCA) for the Tuesday 8th August 2017 general elections.

IEBC official Meru County August Election Results, Winner; Governor, Senator, MP, MCA, Women REP
IEBC official Meru County August Election Results, Winner; Governor, Senator, MP, MCA, Women REP/Photo

NOTE: Kindly find all Official IEBC Results in the Links shared below. Please select the type of election on which you want to check the information. Ignore the information below the links as they have not been updated.:

  1. Presidential Results:
  2. Senatorial Results: results
  3. Gubernatorial Results:
  4. Women Rep Results :
  5. Member of National Assembly Results :
  6. Member of County Assembly Results :

IEBC Meru County 2017 General elections results, winners: Governor candidate votes

  • Peter Munya (PNU):  226 561 votes (42,80%) (provisional results)
  • Kiraitu Murungi (Jubilee): 276 053 votes (52,15%) (provisional results)

IEBC Meru County 2017 General elections results, winners: Senator candidate votes

  • LINTURI FRANKLIN MITHIKA: (Jubilee) 301 732 votes (57,04%) (provisional results)
  • IMANYARA MILTON MUGAMBI: (PNU) 179 767 votes (33,98%)

IEBC Meru County 2017 General elections results, winners: Women Rep candidate votes

  • KAJUJU FLORENCE: 227 137 votes (42,93%)(Proivisional results)
  • KAWIRA MWANGAZA: 275 503 votes (52,08%) (Provisional results)
  • Susan Kayathi Munya Kinyua
  • Kinya Betsy

IEBC Meru County 2017 General elections results, winners: Member of Parliament (mp) candidate who won

  • Igembe South Constituency winner:
  • Igembe Central Constituency winner:
  • Igembe North Constituency winner
  • Tigania West Constituency winner:
  • Tigania East Constituency winner:
  • North Imenti Constituency winner:
  • Buuri Constituency winner:
  • Central Imenti Constituency winner:
  • South Imenti Constituency winner:

IEBC Meru County 2017 General elections results, winners: MCA candidate who won

  • Giteretu / Anchenge ward winner:
  • Igembe East ward winner:
  • Igembe South ward winner:
  • Igembe South East ward winner:
  • Igembe South West ward winner:
  • Kangeta ward winner:
  • Kiegoi ward winner:
  • Njia ward winner:
  • Mailo Tatu ward winner:
  • Maua East ward winner:
  • Maua North ward winner:
  • Maua South ward winner:
  • Stadium ward winner:
  • Akirang’ondu ward winner:
  • Antuabetwe kiongo ward winner:
  • Antuambui ward winner:
  • Athiru Runjine ward winner:
  • Kabachi ward winner:
  • Naathu ward winner:
  • Ntunene ward winner:
  • Akithi ward winner:
  • Kianjai ward winner:
  • Kitheo ward winner:
  • Mbeu ward winner:
  • Mituntu ward winner:
  • Nkomo ward winner:
  • Karama ward winner:
  • Kigucwa ward winner:
  • Mikinduri ward winner:
  • Muthara ward winner:
  • Thangatha ward winner:
  • Cathedral ward winner:
  • Central ward winner:
  • Commercial ward winner:
  • Gakoromone ward winner:
  • Hospital ward winner:
  • Kaaga ward winner:
  • Milimani ward winner:
  • Mwendantu ward winner:
  • Stadium ward winner:
  • Chugu ward winner:
  • Giaki ward winner:
  • Kiirua ward winner:
  • Kirimara ward winner:
  • Kisima ward winner:
  • Ntakira ward winner:
  • Ontulili ward winner:
  • Ruiri ward winner:
  • Thuura ward winner:
  • Timau ward winner:
  • Kisima ward winner:
  • Kirua/Naari ward winner:
  • Ruiri/Rwarera ward winner:
  • Gatimbi ward winner:
  • Kariene ward winner:
  • Katheri ward winner:
  • Kiagu ward winner:
  • Kibaranyaki ward winner:
  • Kibirichia ward winner:
  • Kithirune ward winner:
  • Mwangathia ward winner:
  • Abogeta ward winner:
  • Igoji ward winner:
  • Igoki ward winner:
  • Kanyakine ward winner:
  • Mikumbune ward winner:
  • Mitiine ward winner:
  • Mitunguu ward winner:
  • Nkuene ward winner:

NOTE: Results for NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga and Jubilee’s Uhuru Kenyatta in Meru County to be updated in the presidential results per county post.

About IEBC

  • Official website:
  • IEBC office Location in Nairobi, Kenya:  University Way, Anniversary Towers, 6th Floor,
  • IEBC telephone contacts:  (254) 020 – 2877000, (254) 020 – 2769000
  • IEBC email address contacts:
  • IEBC Chairperson: Wafula Chebukati


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