IEBC list political parties in kenya in 2017

IEBC approved political Parties in Kenya 2017 and official contacts

Registrar of Political Parties has listed approved parties that one can use to contest for elective posts in the August 2017 elections. The parties are also listed in the official independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) website.

IEBC list political parties in kenya in 2017
Official IEBC List of registered political parties in Kenya 2017


The Top Political Parties in Kenya


  • Raila Odinga’s-Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)
  • Uhuru Kenyatta’s-Jubilee Party (JP)
  • Kalonzo Musyoka’s- Wiper Party
  • Moses Wetangula’s Ford Kenya Party
  • Gideon Moi’s- KANU party
  • Musalia Mudavadi’s- Amani Party (ANC)
  • Peter Munya’s- PNU Party
  • Isaac Ruto’s- Chama Cha Mashinani Party (CCM)
  • Alfred Mutua’s- Maendeleo Chap Chap Party (MCC)

NOTE2: The individuals listed above are party leaders

NOTE 2: NASA and Jubilee are Kenya’s two largest coalitions similar to Republican party (GOP) and Democratic party in the United States of America (USA)


List of all IEBC approved political Parties in Kenya 2017 and official contacts


  1. Agano Party-Official Contacts-0723 909 362/0722 517560
  2. Alliance for Real Change-Official Contacts-0791077058/0710339615
  3. Alternate Leadership Party of Kenya (alp-k)-Official Contacts-0725420513/0727282391/0722955662
  4. Amani National Congress (ANC)-Official Contacts-0720 805 218/0725 179 855/0704 865 498
  5. Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM)-Official Contacts-0772 078 999
  6. Chama Cha Uzalendo (CCU)-Official Contacts-0707910 788/0721 280 573
  7. Chama Mwangaza Daima (CMD)-Official Contacts-0722 744 900/0722319284
  8. Citizens Convention Party-Official Contacts: 0703 198 175
  9. Democratic Congress (DC)-Official Contacts: 0718 929 141
  10. Democratic Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0722 554 121
  11. Devolution Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 070605060182
  12. Diligence Development Alliance
  13. Economic Freedom  Party-Official Contacts: 0722 496 898
  14. Empowerment and Liberation Party-Official Contacts:  0721-325-541
  15. Farmers Party-Official Contacts: 0722 302 368/0733 207 433
  16. Federal Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0722 302 368/0733 207 433
  17. Forum for Restoration of Democracy-asili-Official Contacts: 0722 780 745
  18. Forum for Restoration of Democracy-kenya (FORD-Kenya)-Official Contacts: 0706559477/0722882775/0722413384
  19. Green Congress of Kenya-0718 451 388
  20. Jubilee Party (JP)-Official Contacts: 0736 666 888
  21. Kenya African Democratic Union-asili (KADU)-Official Contacts: 0722 829 313/0729 686 106/0725 027 096
  22. Kenya African National Union (KANU)-Official Contacts: 0720 237 682/0736 110 629
  23. Kenya National Congress-Official Contacts: 0202604013/0722 754 814
  24. Kenya National Democratic Alliance-Official Contacts: 0204767788
  25. Kenya Patriots Party-Official Contacts: 0719 863 192/0721 201135
  26. Kenya Social Congress-Official Contacts: 0722 742 487/0722 315 939
  27. Liberal Democratic Party-Official Contacts: 0700 134 822/0722595016
  28. Maendeleo Chap Chap Party-Official Contacts: 0720 136 679/0712 530 480
  29. Maendeleo Democratic Party-Official Contacts: 0710 152 260
  30. Mazingira Greens Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0705 337 848
  31. Mkenya Solidarity Movement-Official Contacts: 0720 263 472
  32. Movement for Democracy and Growth-Official Contacts: 0725-817 035
  33. Muungano Party-Official Contacts: 020-8059439
  34. Mzalendo Saba Saba Party-Official Contacts: 0737 762 157/0775 614 082/0707 749 969/0753 778 821
  35. National Agenda Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0722 829 955/0728 777 000
  36. National Democratic Movement-Official Contacts: 0726864055
  37. National Liberal Party-Official Contacts: 0729-381378
  38. National Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 020-2628514/0725 006 402
  39. National Rainbow Coalition (NARC)-Official Contacts: 0710-150 288/0713-922-170
  40. National Rainbow Coalition-kenya-Official Contacts: 0722 255 130
  41. New Ford Kenya-Official Contacts: 020 263 3855
  42. Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)-Official Contacts: 020 2053481
  43. Party of Action-Official Contacts: 0712 317 115/0735 317 115
  44. Party of Democratic  Unity-0724335997/0724 323 441/0721 232 232
  45. Party of Independent Candidates of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0727 360652
  46. Party of National Unity (PNU)-Official Contacts: 0725 764 383
  47. Peoples Democratic Party-Official Contacts: 0710143070/0735 1987960721 219 203/0735 947 920
  48. Peoples Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0722 340 286
  49. Peoples Trust Party-Official Contacts: 0728 317 124/0722 526 690
  50. Progressive Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0722 392 003/020 2734261
  51. Republican Liberty Party-Official Contacts: 0722167811/0733 288 086
  52. Restore and Build Kenya-Official Contacts: 0722 807 261
  53. Roots Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0737 325 914/0724 213 588
  54. Saba Saba Asili-Official Contacts: 0734 664 701
  55. Safina-Official Contacts: 0711 500 200/0736 650 576
  56. Shirikisho Party of Kenya
  57. Sisi Kwa Sisi Party-Official Contacts: 0770 369 165
  58. Social Democratic Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0729 497 009/0721 158 008
  59. The Labour Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0724 308773/0203533380
  60. The National Vision Party-Official Contacts: 020 310896
  61. Ukweli Party (up)-Official Contacts: 0721 306306
  62. United Democratic Movement-Official Contacts: 0722 752 156
  63. United Democratic Party
  64. Unity Party of Kenya-Official Contacts: 0720 892 951
  65. Vibrant Democratic Party
  66. Wiper Democratic Movement- Kenya-Official Contacts: 0720 513 513

NOTE 3: Some parties have been removed because they merged. More info

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