pay your helb

HELB NOTICE! Pay Your HELB Loan Before end month or face the law



The higher education loans board (HELB) has issued another warning to all students  who have completed campus and have not started  paying their loans. In sms sent to all loan beneficiaries HELB indicates.
HELB loan arrears.  Pay atleast Ksh. 5,000 by 30th October to avoid penalties.” The message  has sent panic to jobless graduates and those yet to graduate. Isaac one of the HELB beneficiaries who received the message spoke to Kenyayote “I graduated two months ago and helb wants me to start paying. Where do i get 5,000 from??”


Section 15 of the HELB Act says that Undergraduate HELB Loan repayment begins within one year of completion of studies. Some  part of the act which however many graduates do not understand is the one which indicates that HELB can decide on whichever time you should start paying your loans.

Any graduates who violates the above stated acts risk being blacklisted with the Credit Reference Bureau(CRB) which means you cannot get any loan from any bank in Kenya or any entity offering loans in Kenya.

helb loan payment

Pay your HELB loan now through MPESA to avoid penalties.

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