Charles Ringear-HELB CEO

HELB CEO Charles Ringera: Students to receive HELB loan by Friday



University student strike which was  slated to take place on Friday July 2nd 2015 might have pushed HELB to disburse student loans earlier than they had planned. However, through a statement shared by standard media, the board has blamed  university administration for  the delay of  helb disbursements to students.
Helb CEO Charles Ringera indicated that university administration  had failed to submit a list of helb beneficiaries in time thus leading to the delay of disbursements witnessed.


According  to Standard CEO Charles Ringera said quote unquote “We received the list Friday last week. That is a short time indeed,”  With  problem of double intake, the board says it cannot know which students are in session and which one are not unless informed by the university.
The money  will  be available  in students’ accounts by Thursday evening or Friday morning


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