How to graduate with job experience and get that job

How to graduate with job experience and get that job



Where to get that needed work experience: Most fresh graduates can totally relate with the frustration that comes with job-hunting more especially in this era where most job seekers are required to possess 1-2 years work experience for entry level jobs. Many are left wondering how on earth can the employer expect them to gain experience. Well, you do not need to be like everyone else. You can gain experience while still in school and distinguish yourself among potential employers. Below is how to go about it.

How to graduate with job experience and get that job
A guide on How to graduate with job experience and get that job/Photo by pb

Volunteer work

Make use of your long holidays to engage in volunteer work.Most Non-governmental  Organizations accept volunteers on a regular basis. So why not make use of it.You will not only get a certificate but also gain exposure.

Work-study programs

Most local university run the work-study programs. Apply for one. If you are successful then you  will save on your fees as well as get your hands on the much needed experience.If you maximize  the opportunity well, you might end up getting a slot in the university after studies.

University Leadership

If you have been leading others right from primary school, then leadership is your thing.Get into university leadership. This will not only take you places but also give you a leading edge against  other candidates especially if the position applied for requires leadership skills.Who knows you might even end up surpassing the entry level.

University Clubs

Join clubs in relation to your course. This will enable you take part in contests which will help in polishing your skills. The certificate of participation that you will given by your club will play a great role when you are looking for a job for the first time.


Think of those last few months to your graduation. Instead of staying at home as you wait for your big day, you can join an internship program. Get a letter of introduction from your university and apply for as many internship opportunities as possible.

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