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First year University Student hangs himself to death



moi university students hangs himself to deathSad news has it that a first year student in Moi University Main Campus has hanged himself to death due to alleged life challanges. This is a statement that was issued by Moi university student organization (MUSO) Editor In chief William Dekker;

“It is with uttermost sadness, and deepest grief to confirm the incidence of a colleague comrade who took away his own life this morning.

He was a 1st year student in the school of Information Sciences, pursuing BSc Media Science, hanged himself on a tree, at the Water Falls site (Asururiet), a few metres of C Houses.

The body has been taken by the Kesses police officers to a Mortuary in Eldoret.”


The cause of his death has not been verified but it is alleged that the young brilliant boy might have committed suicide due to accommodation challenges facing the university.

Kenyayote is following up the story and we will keep you updated via our campus news  fb page Kenyayote

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