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ENG 411: English Stylistics



ENG 411 is a course that is introduces linguistics students to English stylistics. The course discuses about language varieties, types of language and different levels of language structure.

Summary of ENG 411


Divided into two

  1. Literary-gives additional information that helps in understanding the text
  2. Linguistic stylistics-identifies pattern of language in written and spoken text

Importance of stylistics devices

-sharpen our understanding and appreciation of literary works

-helps in translation

-help in giving judgment

Language Terminologies


Any bit of writing that you can feature out from a piece of writing. Types of features;

Common core feature & Multilevel features.

Levels of stylistic analysis

They are divided into five;

  1. Phonetic/Graphetic

Graphetic features include italics, underlining, bolding, capitalization and font size

Phonetic appears in spoken language e.g voice

  1. Phonological/graphological

Graphological: Comprise of punctuations, spellings, arrangement of words, and spacing of words

Phonological: repetition of sounds, intonation, stress

  1. Grammatical

Consider: inter sentential relationship, sentence psychology, sentence structure, clauses, word typology,

  1. Lexical Level

Looks at individual word and their pattern of combination

  1. Semantical level

Meaning of entire text.

Dimensions of linguistic Features

  1. Dimensions according to User (individuality , user of word fillers, dialect, time factor, similarity features)
  2. Dimensions according to use (medium of communication, nature of participation…)

Situational variables

  1. Linguistic contexts
  2. Complex medium
  3. News broadcast
  4. Feature of province-profession
  5. Status
  6. Modality

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