Egerton University unidentified bank deposits

Egerton: Over 17 million unidentified funds deposited in our bank accounts




Egerton University has released a statement indicating that over 17 million Kenyan Shillings have been deposited into its bank accounts whose depositors and purpose is not known.

Egerton University unidentified bank deposits

Statement of unidentified depositors 

A statement released on 27th October 2021 by Egerton University Department of Finance and Accounts indicates that between 2015 to 27th October 2021, over 895 people who could not be identified deposited over 17 million (according to Kenyayote calculations from the list of depositors), for a purpose that is not known.  

The finance officer at Egerton University said that they have tried to correlate the source and purpose of the deposits with their records, but it has been difficult. 

From a look at the list of deposits, it appears some students deposited money without indicating their admission numbers, used incorrect admission numbers, or transferred money from their KCB mobile accounts to University Bank accounts inaccurately.  

Any student or person whose name appears in the list of 895 depositors has been asked to come forward with evidence to enable the University update its records.  

You can check the full list of 895 deposits in this pdf and contact the finance department for an update or refund.  

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