Do you Eat Red Meat daily, learn of the negatives and beneficial health effects

Eating Red Meat Daily: Health negative and beneficial effects

Learn about some of the health effects of eating red meat daily.  That is its benefits to your body and the negative effects to your life when consumed in large numbers.

Do you Eat Red Meat daily, learn of the negatives and beneficial health effects
Do you Eat Red Meat daily, learn of the negatives and beneficial health effects/Photo by PB


 Most Kenyans love red meat. Mostly because it is readily available and may be cheaper than white meat. The most consumed type of red meat in Kenya comes fro Goat, Cow and bulls. We are going to look at both the positive and the negative health effects of eating red meat.

Benefits of eating red meat

 Red meat has been associated with all the harmful effects, but some benefits result from eating red meat. Outlined below are some of these benefits;

Provides the body with enough iron

Iron in red meat can be easily absorbed into the body, unlike iron from plants. Women and especially those with the age of 15-35 are advised to take 18mg of iron a day. Red meat contains the amount that is needed.

Builds muscle mass and promotes a healthy brain

 What would be more fabulous fun than to know that your brain is in better shape? Well, eating red meat will inevitably boost your brain health since it is rich in Zinc.

Negative effects of eating excessive red meat

 It has been said that too much of something is poisonous, well, it is no different from taking too much red meat. Eating red meat every day has negative results and below are some of the effects;

Increases the risk of contracting brain issues such as Alzheimer’s

 Iron in red meat as we discussed is good, but when taken in excess, it is dangerous to the body. Excess iron in the brain may increase the chances of someone contracting Alzheimer disease.

It hardens your blood vessels  

A substance found in red meat known as a carnitine is responsible for causing atherosclerosis, a condition described by the hardening of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis if not treated, can cause heart attacks and eventually death

Increases cholesterol

 As we know, the levels of cholesterol when they are higher, they may be a danger to the body. Red meat contains high levels of red meat which increases the levels of cholesterol in our bodies.

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