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Degree courses that most of the 1,645 world billionaires did



In our last article, we did a post of the degrees that the top most powerful CEOs in Kenya did. This time we crossed the border and looked at the degrees that the top world billionaires did. While compiling the list we relied on research conducted by tow companies Forbes Magazine and Approved Index UK company.

World billionaires degrees
(Photo by

A study done by approved UK Company indicates that 32% of the world billionaires did not finish tertiary education and 22% of the world billionaires studied engineering at university. The study also shows that 19% of the world billionaires have their investments in the tech industry and 15% in the retail industry. Of all the 1,645 world billionaire, 39% of them are from the United States.

degrees done by world billionares
(Photo by

Below is Forbes list of the top 10 billionaires in the world. The list however should not be used as a Judgment of which degree courses have produced the top billionaires as it includes only ten of the 1,645 billionaires in the world. Use the pie chart below to determine the degrees that most world billionaires did.

  1. Bill Gates ($79.2 Billion)–Drop Out, Harvard University
  2. Carlos Slim Helu ($77.1 billion)-Bachelor of Arts & Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico
  3. Warren Buffett ($72.7 Billion)-Bachelor of Arts& Science, University of Nebraska Lincoln and Master of Science, Columbia University
  4. Amancio Ortega ($64.5 Billion)-never got to go to college
  5. Larry Ellison ($54.3 Billion)-Drop Out from University of Chicago; Drop Out from University of Illinois at Urbana
  6. Charles Koch ($42.9 Billion)-Bachelor of Arts & Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Master of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  7. David Koch ($42.9 Billion)-Bachelor of Arts & Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Master of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  8. Christy Walton ($41.7 Billion)-Unknown (no college education)
  9. Jim Walton ($40.6 Billion)-B.A. in Marketing, University of Arkansas – Fayetteville
  10. Liliane Bettencourt ($40.1Billion)- no higher education

 Ksh 93 equals 1 US dollar

Note: We are born different, by the mere fact that most world billionaires did engineering courses does not mean if you do engineering you will become a billionaire. Chase your dreams, you will get there.

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