Health CS Mutahi Kagwe today's updates about learning institutions

CS Kagwe: Teachers should be vaccinated to safeguard students

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe today issued a statement on the state of COVID-19 in Kenya with measures to contain the rising cases of coronavirus. As at 30th July 2021, the positivity rates stood at 13%.

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe today's updates about learning institutions
Health CS Mutahi Kagwe press briefing about COVID-19/Photo

CS Mutahi Kagwe on the Education sector

This is what CS Kagwe had to say about learning institutions

With regards to the Education Sector, the current evidence and data doesn’t reflect increased cases among learning institutions.

The mortality among school going children has also been extremely low.

To ensure safe and continued learning in our education institutions, all teachers are strongly implored to present themselves for vaccination against Covid-19. This is to safeguard not only the future generation but also ensure that we continue with the education in our school and protect teachers above 58 who have been asked to work from home.

New measures introduced

Other measures that CS Kagwe emphasized include;

Matatus should not carry passenger who are not wearing masks

Public gatherings and in person meetings are suspended

Employers should allow employees to work from

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