A guide on Constipation treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya

Constipation treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya

Constipation usually occurs to mothers days after delivery. However, it is not limited to women only. Get to know of home remedies of treating it in Kenya.

What is constipation?

Constipation can be defined as a situation where one finds it difficult to have a smooth bowel movement or faces to pass out. It can be characterized by less than three bowel movements in a week. This results in bloating and abdominal pain.

Causes of constipation

Constipation occurs when the colon has absorbed too much water. Below are some common causes of constipation;

A guide on Constipation treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya
A guide on Constipation treatment and Home Remedies in Kenya
  1. Lack of fiber in the body: If you suffer frequent constipation, you might want to look into your diet and add in some fibre.
  2. Lack of physical activity: This may be true to people who have a little or no physical activity and especially bedridden people. So if you can move, do it to minimize your chances of constipating.
  3. Pregnancy: Most women do get constipation after delivery.  This due to the expanding uterus which compresses the intestines making it more difficult for bowel movements.
  4. Ageing: Yes, older people may also be susceptible to constipation, unlike younger people. So the elderly should ensure that they are always hydrated.
  5. less water intake: Regular drinking of water helps in the prevention of constipation. It might not help much to drink lots of water if you are already constipated. Make sure you are regularly hydrated by drinking as much water as possible.

Constipation  Home Remedies and treatment

Most of the times constipation subsides by itself, so there is no specific treatment for constipation. However, if you have had frequent constipation cases, you might want to change your lifestyle. You can do this by adding a little bit of fiber in your diet. Foods that have fiber include green leafy vegetables like spinach and fruits like bananas.
Also, ensure that you take the recommended amount of water each day, which is eight glasses a day.
If your constipation is sever, seek medical attention where your doctor will recommend to you the type of Laxative that you should take or whether you will need  surgery to treat the blockage.

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